Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Internet scavenger hunt 1

1. What does DVD stands for ? Digital Video Disc.
2. How many DVD formats are available ? DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-ROM are available.
3.What is a Dingbat? A dingbat is an ornament or spacer used in typesetting, sometimes more formally known as a "printer's ornament".
4.What is a homepage ? A homepage is the first screen, called a "page," that you see when you view a site.
5.What handle can you not hold in your hands? Little squares at the edges and corners of a selected graphic on your screen. You can move a handle with your mouse pointer to resize or reshape the graphic.
6.What Was ENIAC? The Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) was the first electronic digital computer, completed in 1946 for the United States military.
7.What contribution did Ada Byron make to computing? She contributed the first computer program to the world.
8.What kind of wafers are used at Intel to make computer chips? 12 inch wafers with 45nm technology.
9. What do they call the suit that cleanroom technicians must wear while making computer chips? Clean suit.
10.What does modem stand for anyway?The modem is a peripheral device for computers which allows 2 computers to communicate over standard phone lines. Modems come in many shapes and sizes to serve all sorts of need.
11.What is a bit?A bit is a binary digit, the smallest increment of data on a computer.
How many bits are in a byte?8 Bits Are in one byte.
How many nibbles are in a byte? 2 Nibbles are in a Byte.
12. The ARPANET 's development began in 1966. It was an experiment to connect universities so t
hey could share information. What do we call this today? The internet
13.. In what year was the first World-Wide Web software created by Tim Berners-Lee? It was 1991.
14.What was the first document posted? It was posted in 1234 by sharlet shrinks
15.When were floppy disks introduced? When were floppy disks introduced?
16.How many megabytes of data can a factory made audio CD hold? 800 MB.
17.Douglas Engelbart was a computer visionary of the 1960's. What did he invent that you find handy? DouglasEngelbart invented the mouse In 1963.
18. What do the letters CD-ROM stand for? It Stands For "Compact Disc read-only memory.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What is a domian ?

From my perspective a Domian is in general, a domain is an area of control or a sphere of knowledge.

A list of domian would be
.net : Networks
.org : Organisations
.edu : Educational
.gov : US Government
.int : International Organisations
.mil : US Dept of Defense

Org .Net 1.

Edu- Gov
1. 3.nasa

INT MIL 1.Nic.Mil 2.Navy.Mil

What can a internet user determine about an organization from it web address?

A internet user can determine what would the web site is based on or if the web site is selling things on the page.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Practice 1

Client: Your classmate .
Objective: you will choose a classmate at random and design a poster for them using then speco ex: their favorite colors what ever text they choose etc.Use your creativity.
same as: classroom poster

project 1

Objective: design a poster for your room. your posters design should be visually pleasing and age appriate.
speco: 5x7, 72 depi (resolution)RGB
Same as :bedroom poster

Tools 2

pencil Tool: this tool is normally used to create little data in an image. It works about the same as the brush tool .

Eye dropper tool:With this tool you can set you foreground color.In your image click the color you want at home.

Vertical type tool:This too;l is used to put some textinto an image.It will write vertical(like the same suggests).

Screen modes:Use these buttons to select your screen modes (standard/full screen with bar/fulls .creen