Monday, December 3, 2007

Speech Rubric

A rubric is a acoring guide composed of set citeria used to elevate a students performance product or/and project.

Excellence-5 points
Good-4 points
Satisfactory-3 points
Need Improvement-2 points
Unsatisfactroy-1 point

1. The audience topic
2. Preporation :Completely compared , has obviously rehearsed the speech,
3. Erthusiasm : Facial expression and body language convey strong erthusiasm and interests.
4. Eye Contact : eye contact with audience virtually all the time (execept for brief glances at notes)
5. Use Of Language :Use of language contributes to effectiveness of speech, and vocalized pauses (um,uh,er) not distracting.
6. Confidence : Speaks neither too quickly nor too slowly.
7. Clarity: speaks clearly distincfly ail the time , no mispronounced words.
8: Topic:Well focused , creativity and appropriate.
9. Attire : Shits neatly tucked in skirt/or pants No distraction jewery or accesories.
10. Cuse : Cues the audience that end of the speech is at hand. Brings Clausure memorable.
11. Time ; Within ailuted time .

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Changing background

Changing The Slide background

1. Choose formay ----> page + then click on background tab.
2.In the fill area,do one of the following.
Select colort and then click a color in the list.
select gradient and then click gradient style in the list
3. Click o.k

To Use an image for the slide background.
1. choose format ---> page and then click on the background tab.
2.In the fil area seclect bitmap + then click an image in the list
3.Click O.K

Interesting Pictures

1. Choose insert ---> picture
2.Locate the picture
3.Click open

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Homework # 2

it`s consist of written words and numers.

The term that refers to the intergration of still and moving images, text and sounds by means osf computers technology.

3.A labtop is a computer-based representation of a reallifesituaion. consist of live or recorded moving images.


Is Technology making mankind crazy ?

An important point is that technology is doing things for us so we really do not have to do anything.
As evidence the camershals that people are putting out make us go get the technology that we are getting.
In some cases no because why do something if technology will do it for us but better than we can.
After all it does sometimes because people get use to it and think they do not have to do anything at all. thats how people get lazy.

I think it do not all the time because not everyone is not the same.
For instance the technology now of days does so much people buys technology a lot because it does everythimng.
Furthermore I do not get lazy because I do not buy so much technology.
Clearly a lot of people gets lazy because they buy so much technology thats what gets people lazy.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Homework #1

When you llok at web pages on the enternet, many of them are actually example of multimedia 3 website other than google myspace youtubethat are great examples of multimedia.

why are web pages than use combination of text images ad sound interesting than those that just text.

Because you can do all of those things on one page.It is Better because you will not have to go to another web site to do all of them other things.It is more excitment.It is more fun.


Types of multimedia cont.

Games - are another type of multimedia they are played by manipulating images on a monitor or television screen. Games generally use all elements of multimedia, relying strongly on sound, graphics, animation and video for promts,feedback and setting.

WEB PAGGes are used for entertainment , information , training ,research, reference web pages make of all of the best elements that multimedia has to ofer

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Types of multimedia projects
Web Page

Presentation are sequence of slides, also called pages or sreens, that usually incorporate text, soun,graphics, and animations.
The term prcsentation here refers to a specific kind of multimedia project, a digital slide show presentation.
Presentation generally have limited amounts of text, often written as list with bullets or symbols in front each point.By animating the text ,the information can be viewed one point at a time, with the text moving onto the screen in a variety of ways.

TURTORIALS is a popularformof computer -based instructionthat teach skills or producers.Tutorials can be used for educational or training purpose.

Simulations are usually interactive.
Ineractive means it allows a userschoice to effectthe experience .They often use animation,video and sound to reproduce the environment or situationthe simulations is imilating
Similations are computers -based models of eal-life situations.They are often used when the "real thing" iis dangerous or requiers access to locations or materials that are not easilly accessible to the user.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Multimedia is a combination of still and moving images , text and sound by means of computer technoligy.Multimedia ias frequently used on the internet.
Internet is a network of computers all over the world that are connected to each other.
A webpage is a location on the internet.
WORDS -pretty much multimedia projects include words.
The words can be written , spoken or sung.Multimedia projects do not always include sound , but generally do include written text.
Tge text might be in the form of a paragraph or it might glide across the screen.
IMAGEs - multimedia projest nearly always include images.
Some images found on a mltindia projects might be charts,graph painting,examples,buton,arrowsand drawings.
Animton is motion of a graphic or text.
SOUND- In multimedia live or recorded sound is referred to as audio.Audioin multimedia can take form of speech, such as voice-ovr narration.
VIDEO- Video consist of live or recordedmoving images and is found in many multimedia projects.

Friday, September 7, 2007

My Goals

I think my goal is that I want to learn every thing possible.But I really Want to learn more about computers
and science.

For instace I know a lot about computers I just want to learn more about them so I can be succesful with them.

Further more I would a professional with computers.

Clearly my goals is to be a fantastic student in Science, Reading , Computer basicly every subject New Media Technoligy