Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Multimedia is a combination of still and moving images , text and sound by means of computer technoligy.Multimedia ias frequently used on the internet.
Internet is a network of computers all over the world that are connected to each other.
A webpage is a location on the internet.
WORDS -pretty much multimedia projects include words.
The words can be written , spoken or sung.Multimedia projects do not always include sound , but generally do include written text.
Tge text might be in the form of a paragraph or it might glide across the screen.
IMAGEs - multimedia projest nearly always include images.
Some images found on a mltindia projects might be charts,graph painting,examples,buton,arrowsand drawings.
Animton is motion of a graphic or text.
SOUND- In multimedia live or recorded sound is referred to as audio.Audioin multimedia can take form of speech, such as voice-ovr narration.
VIDEO- Video consist of live or recordedmoving images and is found in many multimedia projects.

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