Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Types of multimedia projects
Web Page

Presentation are sequence of slides, also called pages or sreens, that usually incorporate text, soun,graphics, and animations.
The term prcsentation here refers to a specific kind of multimedia project, a digital slide show presentation.
Presentation generally have limited amounts of text, often written as list with bullets or symbols in front each point.By animating the text ,the information can be viewed one point at a time, with the text moving onto the screen in a variety of ways.

TURTORIALS is a popularformof computer -based instructionthat teach skills or producers.Tutorials can be used for educational or training purpose.

Simulations are usually interactive.
Ineractive means it allows a userschoice to effectthe experience .They often use animation,video and sound to reproduce the environment or situationthe simulations is imilating
Similations are computers -based models of eal-life situations.They are often used when the "real thing" iis dangerous or requiers access to locations or materials that are not easilly accessible to the user.

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